July 8, 2007

Fun Monday

Deb has asked everyone to: Show your favorite place to relax. It can be a chair, corner, ledge, or limb. :) Get out those cameras and take pics or just write how you feel when you are in your "zone".

My purple patio chair is my spot.

I love sitting here in the morning. Reading a book, drinking coffee.

I love sitting here in the evening. Reading a book. Talking about the future with my love. Watching the sunset.

An older photo...

I love sitting here on the phone. Catching up with friends and family. Watching the kitties.


my4kids said...

Beatiful sky pictures. I like being outside also.

theotherbear said...

great spot. I love reading books out on my back patio.

Debs said...

Nothing beats being outside looking at a beautiful sky line. :)

Love your chair, I miss mine.

Jodi said...

What a wonderful view... I'd be sitting on the purple patio chair too!!

Molly said...

Happy Fun Monday, I like sitting on the patio too although sometimes my book reading changes into nap taking.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sunsets! There's nothing better than watching a sunset.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw your masthead, I thought that you must live in our neighborhood.
We had very similar ideas on what to post today. I, too, posted sunrise/set pictures.

Beccy said...

What a great view from your purple chair, lucky you.

MommaBoo said...

I have a patio swing I love. I also have a chair like your purple one, but mine's blue. We use it when we camp. You're right...they're so COMFY!

Thanks for sharing!

Happy Fun Monday

Anonymous said...

I always want to sit outside first thing in the morning, but I don't want to scare the neighbors with my ratty jammies and my hair sticking out from my head! :)

Your spot looks perfect. I love the views.

Anonymous said...

That is a good spot!!! I sometimes sit in a chair like that when the kids are playing outside.

Kaytabug said...

Love your sky pics.... but where is the side table for the laptop? I thought you spent your mornings chatting with me in front of our putters drinking our coffee. sniff sniff

ChrisB said...

Some more lovely sunset pictures (a weakness of mine) so beautiful and relaxing. That's a cute purple patio chair!!

Anonymous said...

A true sanctuary....

willowtree said...

Very nice indeed. Love the black kitty!

Oh yeah, welcome to Fun Monday.

Pamela said...

When the summer "view from the front porch" Fun Monday comes around - I'll look forward to seeing more from your balcony!!!

Tiggerlane said...

We have nice chairs like that on our back porch - very comfy! Even the dog has one.

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