August 2, 2007

Where in the World is Fianna?

So... we are gonna play a little game, kiddos. Now that vacation is imminent. I will be posting pictures at random intervals and you can guess at where we are. You will get pics and clues and some irreverent commentary from yours truly. I will spill the beans when I post the next Where in the World, or when we are at a hotel with internet or when we get home.

I always loved me some Matt Lauer. Until he went all buzz cut. But darn, he is a very handsome young man.

And just to be fair, I will not be participating in this contest. Although I, myself, do not know where in the world Fianna will be.


Kaytabug said...

You better make it hard, I will figure it out ya know... Great idea!! Have FUN!!!

Fianna said...

I figure with this challenge in front of the world (ok ...3 people)... I will take pictures, lest I be called out on my failure to follow through.

Sauntering Soul said...

Oh I can't wait! This is a great idea and it's going to be fun! If I EVER get the heck out of Atlanta at some point I'm totally stealing this idea from you. Okay?

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