September 17, 2007

Root, Root, Root for the Astros!

Just got home from a sad loss by the Astros. But I am content.

AWESOME tickets, free parking pass, dollar dog night, and I know where the cheap beer booth is hidden. (Between sections 133 and 150 – which are right next to each other oddly enough).

$11 for a couple beers, a full belly and seats close enough to see Biggio’s nose hairs.


Although dollar dogs? I don’t think it is too far of a stretch to say that they could be made out of real dogs.

I am hoping that it was Schnauzer.


Sauntering Soul said...

I haven't been to a single Braves game this year. :-( But if I did, I wouldn't care about dollar dog night. I detest hot dogs. I detest them a lot. Why does detest look like it's spelled wrong?

Fianna said...

I am usually good with normal ballpark hot dogs. I don't have a very discerning palate...but these....Ewww. Double Ewww.

And I don't know what we would do without spellcheck!!

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