November 19, 2007


When I am stressed, when I am tired, when I feel beaten up on, I withdraw. I pull into my own little shell which has a wonderful cozy chair where my thoughts just sit and chat, rebuilding my tough (as a marshmallow) exterior.

This rebuilding process frequently includes a few key elements. Thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales, some place to rummage through piles of crap and find hidden treasures. Coffee shop, a book and a patio. Comforting food and dark beer.

I found so many treasures this weekend. Many things to post on Ebay, many things I will keep.

A few weeks back, I had a bad experience with an extremely rude dealer at an estate sale. Miss Politeness, Daughter of Mrs. Uber Manners, actually spoke up and told this woman how rude she was. I passed up quite a few desired items from that sale as I just couldn't give that mean woman my cash. Imagine my surprise when I found one of the items at a church bazaar. Aren’t these napkins fabulous!

At the same sale, a set of aprons were found. Check this one out.

Matching oven mitt and pot holder! Cat was not included in the sale.

I am feeling more like myself, got some rest, recharged my batteries a bit. However, there is nothing like going home, to my parents and then to my love.

Turkey, sweet potatoes and Paula Deen stuffing.

If I don’t check back in soon, I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Kaytabug said...

Great finds! Have a wonderful time with the folks,tell them I said Happy Thanksgiving!

Sauntering Soul said...

I don't do the estate sales like you, but a coffee shop and a book can do wonders for me when I'm feeling out of sorts.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by loved ones!

Courtney said...

There is nothing better than family and home cooked food, I think. Happy Thanksgiving! Come back rejuvenated!

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