April 18, 2008

This Is The End

Beautiful Friend.


Kaytabug said...

Thanks for emailing me, had I seen this without further explanation I would have freaked a tad. Just so your other readers don't freak a little she is OK, just a little sore.

Tomorrows post will be her new car, I hope!!!Or the story behind the end... or nothing...

It was time to say goodbye.

ChrisB said...

I saw this and did wonder!

Courtney said...

Ouch! I'm glad you're ok. I have been there and it is no fun!

Margaret said...

So sorry, I'm glad you are okay. I recommend advil and a hot bath.

Sauntering Soul said...

Oh no Fianna....I'm so sorry. I'm going to go have a moment of prayer for your beloved car now.

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